Monday, August 17, 2009

Neyeeva was once again lost in her own thoughts. This time she found herself thinking of the strange encounter with the draenei, Peris and the circumstances that encounter yeilded. Neyeeva remembered the draenei when she spoke. Peris had approached her at the end of the Arbiters last meeting. She remembered the draenei sitting off to the side, observing the meeting of the reforming militia. When Neyeeva took her leave after the meeting had concluded, the draenei had approached her as she passed, whispered into her ear her confidence of the work ahead her with Ailac''s cleansing. Peris had spoken Neyeeva's name and class without ever being previously told, to her own knowledge. Neyeeva was stunned of the draenei's knowledge yet she had not the time in that moment to gather further information of her. She now knew her to be a friend of sorts to Xaneria, Eli even.

Yet Peris proved to be a strange one, to handle someone whom she barely knew with such intimacy. Neyeeva was wholly uncomfortable with the draenei's touches, and even more galled to learn the draenei had handled her own sister in some similar way. That thought brought a surge of rage within Neyeeva. Igraiyne was still a child. To be handled in such a way as she assumed made her blood boil with anger. However the anger, as always, was short lived as that brought to thought Eli's reaction to the draenei and her ways.

Now there was something to consider. Eli had drawn her sword to the defenseless, unsuspecting Peris, in a fit of anger. Neyeeva quickly glanced at Eli within the barrow as she remembered the incident, some days past. She found herself eyeing the warrior as subtly as she could, attempting to sort out her own thoughts. Eli, during the whole time they had been within the barrow, together alone, had remained silent. Responding only a few nods here and there to the few statements Neyeeva voiced. Neyeeva's own mother had been a sentinel, taking her turn with guard duty, yet she still communicated verbally to her partners. Then, to make such a threatening response to one's ways, as Eli had done with Peris, on a whim worried Neyeeva. Yet she reasoned with herself that this woman was whom Xaneria chose to spend her days with, share her life and feelings with. Xaneria, kind hearted as she was trusted this woman, as Neyeeva did Danaric, whom many disliked and distrusted, even her own matriarch and friend. Neyeeva then remembered Eli's kind hearted actions to Xaneria when she whimpered out in her sleep. Eli had covered her with a cloak, giving her warmth from the damp coolness of the dens.

A strange feint light caught Neyeeva's attention. The light was accompanied by the stench of fel. It came from Xaneria, her body glowed with a purplish light. Slowly Neyeeva rose to her feet from where she had been sitting, walking over to Xaneria as if in a transe, wary of the odd sight. She stood before Xaneria, studying and taking in the happening. She knew not how to respond to it, or if she should. Neyeeva looked back to Eli, biting her lower lip with uncertainty. The light then began to disappear and Xaneria's body returned to its normal state, still and silent. Neyeeva remained to stand over Xaneria's body as she studied it, trying to make sense of the strange event. Then, Xaneria began to weep in her sleep, silently. The tears flowed from her eyes freely. Neyeeva's heart broke at the sight.

"She is crying." Neyeeva said quietly to Eli before taking in a breath of helplessness. "What awful thing must she be facing?" she wondered aloud. "Forgive me," she began sadly in a near whisper, "there is nothing I can do for her." Neyeeva lowered her head in defeat as she slowly walked back to her place by the barrow wall. She sank down along the wall, pulling her legs to her, hugging them tightly as she burried her head within the little sanctuary she provided for herself. Tears sprang to her eyes, tears she refused to shed, as she knew that due to her own weakness, she could do nothing to soothe Xaneria's mind of her pain.

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