Friday, September 4, 2009

Troubles of the World

Over the past several days, Neyeeva had remained in low spirits. She mostly sat in her usual spot within the barrow, keeping her knees drawn up to her with her head in her arms. The days and nights had passed long and silent in the dark dens. Still Neyeeva worried for her friends, still she prayed that they would come out of it undamaged. Still she wondered what could be happening within the world outside, wondering how her fellow Arbiters faired in their ongoing fight against the scourge. Yet something was bothering her as of late, an uneasy feeling deep within herself. She could not place it, nor could she explain it or why she felt it. She hoped it was only her worrying over her friends, or a side effect for not having any clue as to what was happening with the arbiters. No matter its reason, the feeling was there, sitting like a bolder within her gut, heavy with some unnamable dread.

Suddenly, the stone cold silence was broken by the sound of footsteps pressing against the the stone and dirt paths of the tunnels. In the distance a warm light began to come into view. Neyeeva picked her head up as her ears twitched curiously at the new noise as Eli pushed herself off the wall she had been leaning against, glancing up the path.

With her hand on her sword the warrior watche in silence. "We expecting someone?" Eli asked, her voice low and deep.

Neyeeva shook her head at the demon hunter. "Not that I am aware of." She answered, her voice carrying a mix of confusion and curiosity.

The footsteps grew louder as the unknown came closer, deeper into the den, nearer to their barrow.

"Anyone there?... I was told xaneria was in here." Came a voice.

Neyeeva brought herself to a standing position then backed away from the entryway at the unfamiliar voice.

Eli glanced over at ney as the light approached nearer. "Sounds familiar..." She said, her own voice heavy with thought.

"Does it?" Neyeeva asked as the form becane visible. It was a Draenei shaman her armor alive with subtle flames.

"Its been some time... Fenris," The draenei greeted as she bowed, "and you must be one of... these arbiter friends of theirs?" The shaman mentioned as she looked over at Neyeeva.

Eli nodded to the draenei. "I is a releif to see you're alright after all this time."

Neyeeva eyed the draenei up and down in caution. "Yes, and you are... ?"

"I'm Nodika Shardblade, a friend of Elizaebel and Xaneria... I'm sorry I couldnt come at a better time." The shaman introduced herself. "How are they?" Nodika asked as she looked over at the sleeping bodies.

Neyeeva's eyes widened with realization, as she remembered the name of the shaman who Peris had said was the one to craft the idol. "Oh! Forgive me, I am Neyeeva Riversong, Arbiter, as you have guessed." She said before answering, "They are doing well enough for now, though once again things seem to have taken a wrong turn. Xaneria has encountered the nightmare. I am afraid she is trapped within it."

"Trapped in the dream? Thats a rather dire thing is it not?... is someone trying to reach out to her?" Nodika asked in concern.

Neyeeva nodded to the draenei. "Yes. We are doing all we can for her."

Eli leaned back against the wall, as she made her own comment in answer to Nodika. "All we can do now is wait... as we've been doing." Neyeeva nodded solemnly in agreement to the more than accurate statement.

Nodika thought for a moment. "Though it might not be much... " The shaman began as she motioned her hands as if pulling objects from the ground. A totem came into being then, another sprouted up, one pulsing softly as the other gave off a soft glow.

Neyeeva merely looked at the totems, her face expressing a small light of gratitude to the shaman. It was clear to her how much Xaneria ment to these people. It was only natural, given Xaneria's kind and caring nature.

"You must forgive me. Yhough I should have come to help... I came for a rather selfish reason." Nodika admitted suddenly.

Neyeeva raised a brow at the drainei in curiosity as her face remained stoic.

Nodika sighed as she looked at the two. "Has... Perisanya been acting... inappropriately? Towards others?" The shaman asked as she seemed uncertain as to what she was saying.

Neyeeva bit her lower lip as she turned her face to Eli, awaiting the warrior's response. She knew what the shaman ment, yet she also did not know what was, or was not, appropriate for Peris.

Eli glanced up as she answered. "She certainly hasnt been acting like she was taken... or that she respects it much." Eli raised a brow in annoyance at the thought.

Neyeeva remained silent, watching the draenei.

Nodika simply placed a hand on her chest and sighed. "She has been acting strange for... some time. Is there anything else?" she asked as she looked at the two before her.

Neyeeva shrugged her shoulders, as she speoke honestly, "I would not know. I have only met her breifly." Eli was the one to speak next.

"She's had a loose tounge of late, even with her. " Eli motioned her head at Neyeeva as the druid looked to the ground at the memory of the uncomfortable encounter. "She had the senseless to refer to my daughter a bit too familiarly as well."

Nodika nodded again, this time with a sad look on her face. "I thank you. Again, forgive me, coming here for this." The shaman turned to walk away. "I hope all goes well. I would like to see Xaneria again soon." She admitted as she walked off the light trailing up the tunnel till it disappeared into the dark distance.

"I pray so as well." Neyeeva said as she watched the Draenei be on her way.

Eli once again made herself comfortable against the wall. "Perhaps," she said, "her antics will stop after this." Eli laughed lightly at a thought. "Should be an intersting day for them." She thought aloud.

Neyeeva merely raised her brow at the comment as she returned to her usual spot, leaning back against the wall of the barrow as she let out a slight sigh. It was none of her buisness, the affair between the paladin and shaman. She did not need to know any such details, no matter how interested she was of them. It was not long before hoof like foot steps returned echoing down the hallway, slowly; only a few mere moments after Nodika's had left.

"Aren't we the popular ones today?" Eli remarked as she raised a brow at Neyeeva before placing her hand on her sword again."

Neyeeva's ears twitched at the now familiar noise. "She is comming back?" The druid voiced, mainly to herself.

Eli shook her head. "Sounds heavier." She informed.

Neyeeva pushed herself off the wall, once more backing away from the entrance of the barrow.

A timid voice, more like a child's whisper trailed down the pathway, the footsteps stopping about one meter from the entry way. This time, there was no light present. "Fenris... you're still awake?"

Eli smirked as she said, "You expect me to sleep in this place? Too much excitement today."

Neyeeva raisef her brow in a high arch at the whisper, her lips curled into a smile of amusement.

Peris moved into the room, her face blank as she sighed. "Not really. Especially since company just left." She said, pointing behind her, scanning the room as her voice remained in a low whisper.

"What brings you here today?" Eli asked as she raised a brow.

Neyeeva could not help but hug herself in some uncertainty as she immagined the tension between the two draenei, the shaman and the paladin.

The paladin reached into her pocket, removing another small box, dropping it as it forms another small robot; this time to take the shape of a tiny bug. "To replace what the nightmare broke, and check on everyone... the idol and restock supplies... " She explained. "It took me longer to get here..." she stopped, looking out the hallway and sighing. "Plus to let you in on a tidbit of information I found out... while in Lights Hope a few days ago."

"Oh?" Eli remarked.

"Another machine?" Neyeeva spoke to herself in a small voice of dissapointment before raising her brow at the news.

"Forgive me Knight Riversong," Peris said. Her voice was void of anything but firmness, "however, this is how I know what is running low, and if you need my help, as well as what their bodies are doing. I know its disgusting but bear with it. This one is much less visible, I made it as to not disturb you as much as Peenuts."

Eli smirked, shaking her head at the name.

"Either way," Peris continued, "Fenris, seems my playing messenger has brought up an interesting turn of events."

"How so?" Eli asked as she tilted her head slightly at the information.

"I am not sure how much of Nodika's family you know about. However she has two sisters."

"A shaman and a warrior... I met the later." Eli said as Neyeeva listened carefully, attempting to follow the conversation as best she could, given her complete lack of knowledge.

"I'm greatly pursued by one, interestingly enough, though her and her father dont see eye to eye, they both dislike me. Seems Ryzhara is making her way around hunting me down. Last time she found me, Chidorie and I were speaking... I left the child with her... Long story short, shes moving again and knows I frequent here. Ryzhara never liked Xaneria either, so in her mental state... I dont know, but I was told she has thoughts to come this way." Peris explained at some length.

"Is that so? I'd imagine shes still alive... considering..." Eli then glanced at Neyeeva, "Searching for you here? Hmm... I imagine she won't be too happy making the trip for nothing but I'm sure we can manage a angry child."

Neyeeva tilted her head in some confusion, however nodding her head to Eli.
"And if shes with your niece?" Peris questioned. "Honestly, she's more dangerous than Ryzhara. Both have similar goals... Xaneria has told me."

"Chidorie and I have an understanding about a few things, I wouldnt worry." Eli confirmed to the paladin.

Peris paused then nodded. "I... I'm sure you don't want to hear this... nor will you like this much, but I wont be bringing you supplies next you need them. I will have my ex-warlords student do it from here on out."

"And who might that be?" Eli asked.

Peris shook her head. "A strangely familiar rogue... She's been doing work for me for three months, since I found her. She's merely here to work, though I am sure you have caught my drift. She's been asked not to enter if Xaneria is awake... however I have to do something and can not come back."

Eli nodded in return. "I'm sure it will be fine." She said unconcerned as Neyeeva nodded in comprehension to Perisanya's news.

Peris forces a smile. "I'm sure you wont even recognize her. Still," she looked over at Xaneria and took in a deep breath, her hand starting to glow lightly, the golden color fading to purple before vanishing, "I wish I could see this through... at any rate... I'll start bringing the supplies down, is there anything the two of you are in need of or desire? Ill make sure it gets here on the next visit."

Neyeeva shook her head in response. "Of course, and thank you for everything that you are doing and have done." She said to the paladin in a heart felt gratitude.

Peris then began her work of coming in and out of the dens, bringing in the much needed supplies. When she was done, as she turned to leaving, she stopped at the entry way without looking back, saying in a near whisper, "Thank you both, for being honest with her." She then quickly moved up the dark hall without a word or light to guide her.

1 comment:

  1. yay for fast paced rp >.> *makes side note*

    Peris had headed that way when she noticed Nodika and then hid, waiting for Nodika to leave >.> dun dun dun!


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